Tips for Being Highly Organized and Efficient at Work

Be Highly Organized and Efficient in 2024

How can you become highly organized and efficient at work this 2024? What can you start implementing right now to start seeing the results you want?

Whether you are a busy mother, an entrepreneur, or both, you have probably encountered those moments where to-dos become impossible, and there is just way too much on the table. 

How do you manage to do everything you need to do? In this Bootstrappers episode, Gwenn Aspen is joined by Lindsey Savage, a mother of three, executive for a Fortune 500 company, and the president-elect of the National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations.

Tips for Being Highly Organized and Efficient at Work

Why is “Organized and Efficient” Good

Lindsey is a full-time mom and a very successful woman; for her, staying on track and accountable while spending quality time with her family is essential.  

Without a doubt, achieving this balance would be impossible if Lindsey was not organized and efficient. 

These traits are crucial to allow her to manage her time effectively, ensuring that no task is neglected.

These are the 3 tips for a highly organized and efficient life:

  • Prioritizing 
  • Outsourcing 
  • Simplifying

So, why are these traits so desirable, and how can you put them into practice? 


Prioritizing is about making conscious decisions on what takes importance at any given moment. 

This involves evaluating tasks based on their urgency, importance, and impact on your overall goals.

Remember: you can do anything, but you can’t do everything. 


How to Start Prioritizing

Start by listing all your tasks or to-dos. Then, rank them based on the importance they have to you or your goals. 

Tackle the high-priority tasks first and move down the list as you complete each task. 


Outsourcing is another vital tool for efficiency. It’s about delegating tasks where you need more help or that others can do equally well or better, allowing you to focus on areas where your skills and talents are much needed.

Lindsey, for example, has maintained productivity and efficiency with the help of an Aupair; this doesn’t mean she isn’t taking care of her kids, but that she is getting the help she needs and delegating time-consuming tasks to improve her quality time with her family.  

How to Outsource the Right Way

To implement outsourcing, identify tasks that don’t necessarily need your personal touch or can be done without you needing to be there. 

These could be routine chores, administrative tasks, or even specific work projects. 

Delegate these tasks to someone in your team, hire help, or use digital tools and services. 

Remember, outsourcing isn’t about shirking responsibilities; it’s about smartly managing your resources.



When we are talking about productivity, organization, and efficiency, simplifying means eliminating unnecessary complexities in your life and work. 

Whether it’s decluttering your physical space, streamlining your schedule, or reducing the number of decisions you need to make daily.

Reduce unnecessary stress! Make things as simple as possible!

Start Simplifying Your Life

Regularly assess what’s working and what’s not in your life. Remove items, tasks, and even relationships that cause more stress than they’re worth. 

You can also automate routine tasks where possible and create routines that minimize decision fatigue.


Extra Tips for a Highly Organized and Efficient Life

Once you have embraced the benefits of simplifying, prioritizing, and outsourcing in your life, what extra can you do to keep the efficiency streak going?

These are some of the things Gwenn and Lindsey do on a regular basis to keep an organized workflow and life.


Advance Planning 

Strategy and advance planning are the best ways to keep on track of your goals. Adopt a proactive approach by planning one to two years ahead of time. 

This type of long-term planning allows you to identify potential challenges, set realistic timelines, and allocate resources more effectively. 

One Big Thing at a Time

Focus on one big project at a time! Concentrating on one major project at once ensures maximum productivity and efficiency.

For Lindsey, her big project was the National Conference of Women’s Bar Associations. This was something that she was intentional about and good at.

Focusing on a single large-scale task allows you to channel all your energy and resources into it, leading to better outcomes.


Learn to Say No

While it may be challenging to turn down requests or opportunities, remember that your time and energy have a limit. 

By saying no to less important tasks, you can focus on your top priorities without becoming overwhelmed.

Stay Highly Organized and Efficient with Communication

Effective communication is the key to staying highly organized and efficient, whether in a professional setting or within your family. 

Communication involves clearly conveying your priorities, your preferences, and your expectations to those around you.

This will help you enjoy valuable time! 

Virtual Assistants Can Fix a Toxic Company Culture

Start seeing the Results You Want 

Are you ready to start seeing the results you want in your organization? We are here to help you! 

A team of professionals will find the perfect remote candidate for your business and provide coaching and mentoring for ultimate efficiency.

Stop wasting time and resources on meetings that don’t go anywhere; Download our manual for FREE and start creating impactful and strategic planning meetings.

How To Do A Year In Review: Become a Better You in 2024

How To Do A Year In Review

The year is almost over, and a lot of us are wondering how to do a year in review. This is the perfect time to look back and reflect on the good and the bad things that happened this year in our organization and in our personal lives. 

If you don’t know where to start with your yearly review or how to find the highlight of 2023, don’t worry; we’ll show you how. 

In this Bootstrappers episode, Gwenn shares what strategies work to create a year in review and how to keep up with good habits. 

Virtual Assistants Can Fix a Toxic Company Culture

A Year in Review: The Benefits

Reflecting on the past year can be invaluable. It allows you to gain insight into what went well and what areas could use improvement. By doing a year in review, you can set yourself up for success in the future.

For Gwenn, these reviews have helped her through the year to become more successful each time.

How do we go about making a year in review? Here’s everything she did for a successful review.

Create a Calendar Review 

Start by taking a closer look at your yearly calendar. Look for activities and commitments that either gave you energy or drained it. 

This simple exercise can help you design your next year with more of the things that bring you joy and less of the ones that don’t.

For example, Gwen realized that she was feeling drained by her involvement in a certain board this year. It was consuming too much of her time and energy without providing any real benefit. 

After careful consideration, Gwen made the decision to resign. It turns out this was one of the best decisions she could have made!


Review Habits

In addition to reviewing your calendar, it’s also important to review your habits. 

Look for habits that have helped you achieve your goals and those that just slowed you down along the way. 

Good Habits

If you already know what habits are good for you, make an effort to implement them as much as you can. 

For Gwenn, these were the habits that made her year better. 

  • Waking up early
  • Healthy eating
  • Committing to family time
  • Exercise 

Break Bad Habits

On the flip side, you should make an effort to stop those habits that slow you down or are detrimental to your well-being. 

These habits can vary from person to person, let’s take a look at the ones Gwen decided to stop doing.

  • Watching TV: Gwen realized that excessive TV watching was eating away at her valuable time and productivity.
  • Drinking Alcohol: She acknowledged that this habit was zapping her energy levels and hindering her progress. By cutting back on alcohol, she was able to prioritize her health and make room for more positive experiences.
  • Social Media: Mindlessly scrolling through social media platforms was not only wasting her time but also limiting her focus and productivity. 

Create New Habits

Introducing positive habits into your life that you didn’t have before can be a transformative experience. 

Gwenn understood this and took the initiative to develop new habits that would enhance her well-being and personal growth. For here, this was what made her life better:

  • Meditation
  • Eating Healthier 
  • Learning Spanish 

By intentionally incorporating new habits into your life, you can experience significant positive changes. 

Learn From Your Mistakes

It’s inevitable that you will face failures and make mistakes along your journey. Instead of being harsh on yourself, adopt a kind and understanding attitude towards your own learning process. 

Words matter, and when you weigh yourself down with negative words, then you are creating a bad habit that will not help you achieve your goals. Stop being so hard on yourself. 

When you encounter setbacks or make errors, remind yourself that it’s a natural part of the learning process.


Keep Growing

As you embark on your journey toward personal growth and achievement, it’s essential to stay committed to your goals. 

Set Clear Goals

Lastly, define your goals for the upcoming year and break them down into actionable steps. 

Establish a clear vision of what you want to achieve and create a roadmap to guide you towards your aspirations. 

Start seeing the Results You Want 

Are you ready to start seeing the results you want in your organization? We are here to help you! Contact us today.

A team of professionals will find the perfect remote candidate for your business and provide coaching and mentoring for ultimate efficiency.

Want more? Download our 20-minute time-saving hack and start seeing the result in your personal and professional career. 

Toxic Company Culture and Virtual Assistants

Virtual Assistants Can Fix a Toxic Company Culture

Businesses looking for a solution to fix toxic company culture are more common than you think.

The reality is that working with other people can be hard, and when handled badly, relationships can become toxic really fast. 

However, at Anequim, after years of virtual assistant management, we have discovered that we never have this type of problem; why?

Because virtual relationships make everything easier when it comes to the work environment. 

In this Boostrappers episode, Gwenn goes through the ways that virtual assistants can fix a toxic company culture.

Toxic Relationships

Virtual assistants eliminate the need for physical, in-person interactions.

This separation can help to prevent inappropriate behavior that sometimes occurs in traditional office settings. 

Listen to the full episode.

Problems such as sexual harassment, bullying, or other harmful dynamics can arise from face-to-face interactions. These are eliminated when work is remote. 

Processes And Procedures for a Toxic Company Culture

Processes and procedures serve as the backbone of a remote team.

They provide structure and direction, clearly outlining what needs to be done, who is responsible for what, and how tasks should be executed. 

This level of clarity is essential in a remote work environment where in-office communication processes are often overlooked.

Moreover, well-defined processes and procedures can enhance overall performance.

Regular meetings, for example, can keep everyone on the same page, foster collaboration, and ensure that work is progressing as planned. 

They also provide a platform for addressing concerns, brainstorming ideas, and receiving feedback.

Sometimes, in office settings, we don’t give ourselves this time for feedback and growth, so our comments might seem rude or uncalled for. 


The Role of Virtual Assistants in a Toxic Company Culture

Virtual assistants can play a pivotal role in improving and creating more effective processes.

As they are actively involved in executing tasks based on these processes every day, they have firsthand knowledge of their strengths and weaknesses. 

This allows them to identify potential bottlenecks, redundancies, or areas of confusion that may be hindering efficiency.

Once these issues are identified, virtual assistants can help redesign the process to eliminate inefficiencies. 

For instance, they might suggest automating certain tasks, reordering steps for better workflow, or introducing new tools to facilitate communication and collaboration.

Improve Relationship Boundries With Virtual Assistants, 

Working with virtual assistants can significantly reduce the need for unnecessary overtime. In traditional office settings, extended hours are often spent interacting with colleagues. 

While maintaining good relationships at work is important, let’s remember that the primary objective is to fulfill your duties effectively, and that your co-workers are not your family.  

For years, we have been told that, in the corporate world, your sole focus should always be your job, not what happens in your personal life, and the truth is that this can be toxic; as it can lead to overstressed and overworked employees. 

By eliminating the commute and providing the flexibility to work from anywhere, people can better manage their personal and professional commitments. 

The boundaries between work and personal life become clearer, making it easier to switch off from work mode at the end of the day.

Jeremy Virtual Assistants Can Fix a Toxic Company Culture

Stop Dealing With Other People’s Habits

In a traditional office setting, you might have to deal with colleagues’ habits that you don’t really like: someone heating up food in the microwave or someone clipping their nails at their desk.

These distractions can disrupt focus and lower productivity.

In contrast, when working remotely, you have complete control over your workspace. You can arrange your surroundings in a way that suits your working style best, free from the idiosyncrasies of others. 

Drama-Free Environment: The End of a Toxic Company Culture

Workplace drama refers to the conflicts, misunderstandings, and interpersonal issues that can arise among team members, often creating a stressful and unproductive environment. 

Workplace drama can take many forms, from petty disputes to more serious disputes related to power dynamics or perceived favoritism. 

Regardless of the cause, these conflicts can significantly disrupt the workflow, lower morale, and even result in decreased productivity and employee turnover.


How Remote Work Mitigates Office Drama and Toxic Company Culture

When working remotely, physical separation can limit exposure to potential triggers of office drama. 

Your team will be less likely to be drawn into heated discussions or interpersonal issues that don’t directly involve you. 

Start Seeing the Results of Remote Work Efficiency 

Are you ready to start your remote team?

We are here to help you! Our team of professionals will find the perfect remote candidate for your business and provide coaching and mentoring for ultimate efficiency.

Want more?

Download our 20 Ways to Build Team Synergy and Empower Your Remote Employees and start seeing the result in your personal and professional career. 

How To Deal With A Difficult Boss and Not Die Trying 

How To Deal With A Difficult Boss the Right Way 

Wondering how to deal with a difficult boss or difficult people in your workplace but are embarrassed and afraid to ask around?

We know how frustrating dealing with difficult people can get and how lonely the journey is. But it doesn’t have to be this difficult! A lot of people have to deal with this situation every day.

In this Boostrappers episode, Gwenn shares her most valuable and effective actions when dealing with difficult people in any organization. 

Montreal Elite Unleashed

How Gwenn Deals with Difficult People

Gwenn found herself in a similar predicament with a client who was continuously arguing with his Virtual Assistant (VA). 

After years of experience dealing with difficult clients, Gwenn’s approach to this situation was both strategic and insightful.

She first attempted coaching both the client and the VA, trying to bridge the communication gap, but of course, difficult bosses rarely accept take this type of agreement. 

Listen to the full episode.

As this interaction unfolded, she quickly realized that she was dealing with a very difficult boss. 

So she stroked his ego, put herself in his shoes, and gave him a compliment while redirecting the conversation to the critical point to solve the problem. 

After this encounter, Gwenn realized that this happens too often in the business world, so she put together her must-follow strategies to deal successfully with difficult people:

Understand the Landscape

First, it’s important to understand the environment and the individuals you’re dealing with. Explore the parameters of your situation and strategize.

Ask yourself: Is initiating a conversation the right approach? Would involving others contribute positively to the situation?

These questions will help guide and navigate the situation, and its limits to handle it effectively.

This way, you can formulate an empathetic and efficient strategy, facilitating productive discussions even with the most challenging individuals.

Don’t take it Personally. 

When dealing with difficult bosses, remember one thing: It often doesn’t have anything to do with you!

Their behavior or comments often reflect more about them than you. When someone acts out or criticizes unnecessarily, it’s a manifestation of their insecurities or frustrations rather than a reflection of their abilities or worth. 

Don’t take it personally. Instead, consider it an opportunity to demonstrate professionalism. 

Your response to adversity and the results of your job will speak louder than any critique. 

Understand What They Want from You: Provide Clarity

In an ideal world, every supervisor and boss would clearly articulate their expectations. However, bad leaders usually don’t. 

So, how do you navigate this situation? 

Ask targeted questions to gain insights into their priorities and what they anticipate from you. Don’t hesitate to dive deeper if things seem ambiguous. 

Questions like, “What are your key objectives for this project?” or “How do you envision my role contributing to our team’s success?” can provide valuable clarity.

Set Limits

Many leaders don’t know boundaries! They will ask you to do things that might be out of your comfort zone or make you feel bad with their comments. 

How can you prevent this? Have heart-to-heart and specific conversations about what you are struggling with. 

Are you feeling drained or unmotivated? Perhaps the humor in the workplace feels inappropriate, or the working hours border on extreme? Whatever your concerns may be, they deserve to be heard and addressed.

After you express your concerns, set limits in a clear way and always provide a solution. For example, if you’re feeling overwhelmed by long working hours, propose an alternate schedule that allows for a better work-life balance.

Have Clear Communication

With clear, concise, and confident communication; you can navigate through the challenges with your difficult boss while building trust and fostering a productive work environment.

Here’s how you can enhance your communication prowess:

Document Everything

Keep a record of all important discussions, instructions, and processes. 

This will serve as your personal playbook, guiding you through tasks and decisions, and will provide clarity when someone asks you about the way you go about certain things. 


Don’t Ask Twice

Try to ask each question only once. Most difficult people don’t like to repeat themselves. 

This approach showcases your competence and attention to detail. Demonstrate your commitment to understanding and delivering on expectations.

Keep Your Cool

Maintain a calm and composed demeanor, especially during high-stress conversations. 

Your serene approach can influence the overall tone of the discussion, leading to more calm and effective outcomes.

Seek Help From Others

Remember that you’re not alone. Enlisting the support of your colleagues can not only validate your concerns but also pave the way towards collective problem-solving.

But a word of caution – this isn’t an invitation for workplace gossip. Instead, it’s about fostering a supportive environment where feelings are acknowledged, and solutions are sought together.


Learn From the Experience

Every challenge is an opportunity for personal growth, a chance to refine your communication skills, and a stepping stone towards resilience.

Remember, these experiences aren’t just building your character; they’re shaping you into a more empathetic, confident, and competent professional.

And finally, amidst all the hustle, never lose sight of what truly matters – your health and happiness. 

By following these simple tips, you can make your relationship with difficult people in the workplace work better for you and many others! 

Don’t be afraid to speak up and provide clarity. 

Contact Anequim

Are you looking to start or join an effective and proficient remote workforce?

We are here to help you! A team of professionals will find the perfect remote candidate or the perfect boss for you! We provide all the coaching and mentoring for ultimate efficiency.

Want to take it into your own hands? No problem! Make your internal meetings effective and concise using our FREE one-on-one reusable meeting form to save you much time and effort. 

Remote Work Efficiency: The Basics of Remote Success

Remote Work Efficiency 101 for Entrepreneurs

Is “remote work efficiency” a real thing? 

With more and more businesses moving to remote work, there’s a big debate going on. Is working from home as good as working in an office?

Some companies have reported work slowing down with remote positions, asking their teams to come back to the office. 

Some argue that when people work from home, they become lazy, and work gets done slower. 

However, here at Anequim, we believe there’s no such thing as an inefficient remote workforce but rather inefficient ways in which companies are implementing remote roles. 

In this Boostrapper episode, Gwenn Aspen and Matt Tompkins from Two Brothers Creative discuss all remote work efficiency in today’s business environment. 


The Problem with Corporate America and Remote Work Efficiency

So, why are we seeing increasing numbers of companies reporting that remote work is inefficient? 

Listen to the full episode.

The problem isn’t in the way the remote nature of the job, but in the way leaders lead their teams. 

An inefficient corporation will be inefficient both remotely and in person. 

The Manager Positions 

In the modern corporate landscape, particularly in America, one of the most pressing problem is the misplacement of employees into roles they are not adequately prepared for. 

This issue, of course, is not limited to physical offices but also extends to virtual environments.

A common practice in many companies is promoting high-performing employees to managerial positions. 

On the surface, this seems like a logical step.

However, an employee who excels at their job might not necessarily have the leadership skills or the emotional intelligence required to manage a team effectively.

Remote Work Skills

Another common problem with corporations implementing remote work is that they haven’t had the proper training and skills to manage a remote environment. 

Remote work requires a different set of skills and strategies compared to traditional office work, and the truth is that many leaders are not willing to make these changes, so they would rather have all their teams back in the office. 

To make remote work efficient, managers need to learn to navigate the new virtual space, especially in written communication, as well as being proficient in various digital tools. 

They also need to be able to implement trust-building, maintain engagement, and ensure accountability from their remote staff.


Lack of Preparation

It basically all comes down to one thing: lack of preparation. 

Lack of preparation can lead to a variety of negative outcomes. It can result in poor team performance, decreased morale, and increased turnover rates.

Additionally, it can create a toxic work culture where employees feel undervalued and overworked.

We are seeing more and more companies calling their workforce to the office because leaders aren’t willing to prepare their teams to do remote work. 

Therefore, if you are planning to go remote, it’s crucial to prepare employees properly for virtual roles. This could involve providing comprehensive training programs, implementing mentoring systems, or even reevaluating promotion strategies.

The Benefit of Remote Work Done Right 

What happens when you have an effective and well-prepared remote work environment?

When implemented correctly, it can lead to significant growth and positive results.


Avoid In-Office Complaints

An additional advantage of remote work is its potential to reduce workplace complaints. 

A physical office filled with employees can sometimes breed conflict and tension, from petty disagreements to more serious disputes.

Remote work allows individuals to create their own work environment tailored to their preferences. This autonomy can help alleviate common office frustrations of having to share the space with others on a daily basis. 

Processes and Procedures for Remote Work Efficiency

For remote work to be effective, it’s crucial to have a company driven by well-defined processes and procedures. 

This approach ensures team members remain accountable for their tasks, fostering an environment of responsibility and productivity.

At Anequim, we use tracking programs designed to enhance efficiency and foster accountability. 

These systematic procedures, like the Entrepreneurial Operating System (EOS), provide a structured framework for remote work.


Create a Space for Growth

With clear processes in place within the remote work setting, employees are empowered to focus on honing their skills and capabilities. 

This not only paves the way for their personal and professional growth but also encourages them to proactively seek opportunities for company-wide improvement.

By creating this space for growth, employees are motivated to make processes more efficient, saving time and resources. 

This proactive approach not only benefits the individual but also contributes to the overall success and growth of the company.

Start seeing the Results of Remote Work Efficiency 

Are you ready to start seeing the results of remote work? We are here to help you! A team of professionals will find the perfect remote candidate for your business and provide coaching and mentoring for ultimate efficiency.

Want more? Download our 20-minute time-saving hack and start seeing the result in your personal and professional career. 

Building Confidence at Work the Right Way

Building Confidence at Work

Building confidence in yourself and in your team is essential to scale your business. However, this is easier said than done. 

Have you ever looked at a successful entrepreneur and wondered,  “How do they always seem so sure of themselves?

What if I told you that even the most successful individuals have their moments of doubt?

The difference lies in how they address and overcome these doubts.

Let’s explore an approach to building genuine confidence inspired by someone who’s been on this journey herself.

In this Booststrappers episode, Gwenn shares her story and how she came to be a powerful and confident businesswoman. 


Gwenn’s Story with Confidence

We’ve all been there—looking up to successful entrepreneurs and marveling at their unwavering confidence.

But Gwen reveals a truth that many might find surprising: even the most successful individuals grapple with confidence issues.

Listen to the full episode.

From a leadership standpoint, Gwenn realized she needed to be an ‘A player’ and attract top-tier talent to her team, but the only way to do it was by having real, palpable confidence, not just for herself but for her organization.

The key isn’t our number of achievements but in cultivating a genuine belief in ourselves.

Are You Really Building Confidence?

Let’s pause for a moment and reflect on your entrepreneurial journey. Can you relate to Gwenn’s experience?

If you’ve been banking solely on your resume and past achievements to cultivate confidence, it might be time to reconsider. 

Confidence is more than just an impressive list of accomplishments; it’s about truly believing in yourself and your abilities.


Real and Fake Confidence: Understanding the Difference

Genuine confidence can’t be built just by an impressive resume. Sure, you may be able to fake it for a business presentation or conference, but true confidence? 

Real confidence requires comfort, honesty, and self-awareness. To truly feel confident, you need to figure out and master two things: Who you want to be and how you talk to yourself. 

The Two Pillars of Unshakable Confidence

Gwen identifies two primary ways to foster genuine confidence:

Identity and Habits: It’s about envisioning who you want to be and adopting habits that align with that vision. Whether it’s being punctual, taking vitamins daily, or ensuring family dinner time, these habits become part of your identity.

Over time, these small wins accumulate, fostering discipline and boosting confidence.

Challenging Limiting Beliefs: We all harbor certain beliefs that hold us back. 

For Gwenn, it was the idea that she couldn’t be both a good mom and a successful executive. By redefining what being a ‘good mom’ meant to her, she was able to shatter this limiting belief.

The Authenticity of Confidence

True confidence isn’t about flaunting a perfect resume or ticking off achievements. Gwenn candidly shares her journey, from being bullied in school to achieving professional success, only to realize that her confidence hadn’t grown proportionally. 

The real challenge lies in doing the deep work of being comfortable with oneself. It’s about authenticity, not just skills.

The Importance of Vision in Building Confidence

One of Gwenn’s golden nuggets of advice is to have a clear vision of who you want to be. It’s not about societal expectations or external pressures but about what feels right for you. Once you have that vision, focus on the habits that align with it.

For Gwenn, it started with something as simple as taking vitamins daily. Over time, these habits become part of your identity, reinforcing your confidence.

Cultivate habits that act as stepping stones towards your goal. Whether it’s discipline, perseverance, or even a regular workout routine, these habits will serve as the foundation for your confidence.

Remember, confidence isn’t born overnight. It’s a product of consistent, diligent efforts. 


The Power of Small Wins for Building Confidence

Gwenn emphasizes the importance of celebrating small wins. Whether it’s sticking to a new habit, challenging a limiting belief, or simply being present during family meals, these small victories compound over time.

They not only build discipline but also foster an authentic sense of confidence that’s hard to shake.

The narrative you create about yourself influences your confidence. 

We often play the villain in our own stories, berating ourselves for every small mistake.

Speak with Kindness

So, here are your two secrets:

Envision who you want to be and treat yourself with the kindness you would that person.  

When we replace self-criticism with self-compassion, we create a nurturing environment for growth, learning, and confidence-building.

Embracing the Journey

Building confidence is a journey, not a destination. 

There will be times when you falter or stray from your chosen path. Gwenn’s advice? Embrace the journey, learn from the missteps, and always get back on track. 

After all, authentic confidence is about being the best version of yourself, flaws and all.


The True Essence of Confidence

Gwenn’s insights remind us that confidence is more than just an outward display—it’s an inner belief.

By focusing on our identity, challenging our limiting beliefs, and celebrating small wins, we can cultivate a sense of confidence that’s both genuine and unshakable.

So, the next time you find yourself doubting your abilities, remember Gwenn’s words and know that you have the power to build confidence the right way.

Start Building Confidence Today

Once you master these two key aspects, you’ll start to see a positive transformation in your confidence and leadership levels.

Confidence is not an overnight achievement; it’s a journey. And the first step is to visualize your success and practice self-compassion. 

So, start today, and let your confidence soar high! 

Remember, being confident starts with a plan; download our free guide to successful projects today and start paving your way to a successful entrepreneurial journey.

Virtual Executive Assistant: The weapon your business needs

Why Your Business Needs a Virtual Executive Assistant

Why is a virtual executive assistant the solution that you and your business need to succeed?

An executive VA is like a secret weapon that will boost your business performance. 

If you are constantly feeling overwhelmed, anxious, stressed, and busy, then maybe you need the help of a VA.

In this Bootstrappers episode, Gwenn is joined by Julie Hockney to discuss all the benefits of having a virtual executive assistant and how that has helped them in their personal and work life. 


What Is a Virtual Executive Assistant

A virtual executive assistant is someone who can help you with your executive family tasks, providing a solution to managing your professional and personal tasks and enabling you to focus on what truly matters.

Take Julie, for example; she is a successful entrepreneur juggling various roles – from running an interior design business and a restaurant to operating a design studio and a boutique floral shop. On top of that, she’s also an amazing full-time mom. 

Listen to the full episode.

Balancing these responsibilities can be overwhelming, and that’s where her virtual executive assistant, Victoria, comes in and helps her with her busy schedule. 

Victoria does more than just administrative tasks. She is integral in managing Julie’s businesses, handling everything from scheduling appointments to overseeing project management.

Similarly, Gwenn leverages the power of a VA to organize her life. With a virtual assistant at her side, Gwenn can efficiently manage her time, focusing on her priorities without the stress of everyday tasks.

Ask For Helped

So, after this, you might be wondering if you need a virtual assistant. It may seem daunting, but acknowledging that you need help is the first step towards success.

Remember, even the most accomplished individuals can’t do everything themselves.

Are there tasks on your to-do list that keep getting pushed back due to lack of time? Are these tasks important for your business growth but consistently overlooked because they don’t fit into your busy schedule?

Do you find it increasingly difficult to maintain a healthy work-life balance, often neglecting precious family time?

If you said yes to any of these, then you might need to consider hiring a virtual executive assistant.

Seeking assistance isn’t a sign of weakness; it’s a strategic decision. It’s about understanding that your time is valuable and should be spent on tasks that directly contribute to your goals and happiness.


What Can a Virtual Executive Assistant Can Help With?

A virtual executive assistant (VEA) is more than just a remote worker; they are a central part of your organization. With their support, you can achieve more than you ever thought possible. Here are some of the most important things a VA can do for your business and life

Booking Meetings

A VA can masterfully manage your calendar, scheduling meetings at optimal times that align with your availability. They ensure you never miss an important engagement, freeing up your time to focus on the meeting’s content rather than its logistics.


Reorganizing Time

Time management is crucial in today’s fast-paced world. An executive assistant can strategically reorganize your day, ensuring each hour is utilized to its maximum potential. This allows you to focus on high-priority tasks without feeling overwhelmed by the ticking clock.

Executing Ideas and Strategy

Turning your vision into reality is no small task. Get help executing your ideas and strategies, ensuring every step is implemented flawlessly. VA handles all the details so you can lead the way, confident in the knowledge that your plans are being executed effectively.

Scheduling Personal Time

From managing your doctor appointment to organizing personal errands, a VA ensures everything runs smoothly. They help maintain a balance between your work and personal life, allowing you to focus on what truly matters.

Coordinating Family Activities

A VA is not just for business tasks; they can also help organize your personal life. From planning family outings to scheduling parent-teacher conferences, they ensure your family life is as organized and stress-free as your work life.


Refining the Writing Process

Whether it’s drafting emails, creating reports, or writing social media posts, a VEA can enhance your communication. They help refine your writing process, ensuring your message is clear, concise, and impactful.

Can an Executive Assistant Actually Help?

The answer is an emphatic yes! An executive assistant isn’t just another employee; they’re integral to your organization and a key player who can drive your business forward.

However, the benefits of an executive assistant extend beyond their professional capabilities. They bring a sense of calm and order to your workday, providing the support you need to thrive both professionally and personally. 

They understand your needs, anticipate potential challenges, and proactively find solutions, all while maintaining a positive and empathetic approach.

Designing The Role of Your Virtual Executive Assistant Can Help With

Designing the role of your virtual executive assistant is a critical step toward enhancing productivity and efficiency in your organization. 

It’s not just about delegating tasks; it’s about finding the right task to delegate and finding a person who can take ownership and proactively solve problems to become an invaluable asset to your team.


Clear Job Description

For a VA to truly excel, they need to have a clear understanding of their role and responsibilities. This includes the tasks they’re expected to perform, the goals they’re aiming to achieve, and the standards they’re expected to maintain. 

A clear job description helps set expectations, foster accountability, and drive performance.

Enjoy The Freedom with a Virtual Executive Assistant

Having a virtual assistant will free up time for you; your life will not feel like a to-do list anymore, and you’ll have to rest and be creative.

They empower you to focus on what truly matters: the strategic decisions, innovative ideas, and high-level tasks that drive your company forward. And it’s not just about work.

Find Your Virtual Executive Assistant  

Embrace the future of work with Anequim. Contact us today to find the perfect virtual executive assistant for your organization and make your life easier.

Download our free PDF guide to create effective job descriptions. Remember, success isn’t just about working hard; it’s about working smart. And with Anequim by your side, you’re already one step closer to achieving it. 

Is Remote Work the Future of Business and Entrepreneurs?

The future of companies: Remote Work

Is remote work the future of business? It sure has been like it for the past few years since the start of the pandemic. Yet, hundreds of companies are now starting to open the doors of their offices and making employees go back. 

Why is the return of the office so dreadful for many? Why are companies calling their employees to come back to a physical space? Is remote work the future of business, then?

In this episode of Bootstrapers, Gwenn Aspen is joined once again by Matt Tompkins, owner, director, and leader of a remote team at Two Brothers Creative, who has integrated a fully remote team. 


Why are Companies Stopping Remote Work?

Despite the demonstrated success of remote work in recent times, why are some companies reverting to traditional office environments? 

Well, the decision can be motivated by many things; for starters, specific roles require a physical presence due to operational needs, such as handling specialized equipment or dealing with tangible aspects of the business that cannot be managed remotely.

However, the main explanation for this shift back to offices often lies in antiquated leadership mindsets and a penchant for micromanagement. 

Listen to the full episode.

Old-fashioned leaders still believe that peak productivity can be found in office spaces; they still feel the urge to micromanage and the need to have “a real office.” They may feel an inherent need to oversee operations closely and maintain a tangible, ‘real’ office environment.

This can’t be more wrong! Remote working actually increases productivity and time efficiency. 

Nostalgia: Your Worst Enemy 

Nostalgia can be a potent force that drives our decisions and shapes our behaviors, often more so than we consciously realize.

The concept of going to the office, working with colleagues in person, and participating in traditional work routines is deeply ingrained in many of us; it’s all over TV, what we saw growing up. It’s what we’re accustomed to, and this familiarity breeds a sense of comfort and security. 

Yet, it’s essential to remember that just because something is familiar doesn’t necessarily mean it’s the most effective or efficient model.


Is Remote Work as Effective as In Office Work? The Benefits

While some people might argue that remote work isn’t effective, after a few years of remote working, a lot of studies have shown that it is actually much more productive than in-office work. 

A study by Stanford University revealed that remote work can increase productivity by an impressive 77%. 

This surge in productivity can be attributed to fewer distractions and interruptions from colleagues, reduced office politics, and the elimination of time-consuming commutes.

Remote work also allows for more flexibility. Employees have the freedom to work from anywhere, at any time, making it easier for them to balance their professional and personal lives. 

Improve Time Efficiency With Remote Work

Additionally, One of the key benefits of remote work is its potential to eliminate distractions commonly associated with traditional office settings. 

By working remotely, employees are able to sidestep the unnecessary small talk and useless conversations that often consume valuable time during the workday. 

Furthermore, remote work eliminates the waste of materials often seen in office settings, such as paper, ink, and other supplies. It also avoids commutes that can take hours. 

This not only reduces the company’s overhead costs but also contributes to a more sustainable and eco-friendly work environment.


Happier Team with Remote Work

Working remotely can significantly enhance the happiness quotient of your team. When employees have the flexibility to work from their preferred locations, it inevitably leads to an improved work-life balance. 

This flexibility allows employees to manage their professional responsibilities without compromising their personal commitments. 

Whether it’s spending more time with family, pursuing a hobby, or simply having some quiet ‘me’ time, remote work gives employees the luxury of personal time that traditional office jobs often lack.

Improve discipline

Having a remote team requires the cultivation of discipline on both an individual and organizational level. 

Without the structure of a traditional office environment, employees must develop strong self-discipline to manage their time effectively and meet their work commitments. 

This self-discipline, once fostered, can significantly enhance an individual’s productivity and efficiency.

On an organizational level, managing a remote team calls for disciplined processes and systems. This could mean implementing project management tools, setting clear communication protocols, or establishing regular check-ins to monitor progress. 

These disciplined processes are essential for scaling your business efficiently and effectively.


Valuable Tools for Remote Work 

Advancements in technology have transformed the way we work, making remote work not just possible but highly productive, especially when using productivity tools

Remote work hinges on effective communication and collaboration. Platforms such as Zoom and Slack have become indispensable tools for remote teams.

In addition to these, there are other useful tools for remote workers to reach an optimal performance that cannot be achieved by working in an office space. 

These digital tools do more than facilitate communication; they can also promote accountability within your team. For instance, project management tools like Trello allow you to assign tasks, set deadlines, and monitor progress, making it clear who is responsible for what.

Keep Track of Your KPIs

In the realm of remote work, performance measurement is crucial. It’s not just about ensuring that tasks get done but about understanding how effectively they are being completed. 

This is where Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) come into play. KPIs serve as a quantifiable measure of performance over time, helping teams to track progress, meet strategic goals, and assess individual productivity.


Start Growing Your Business with the Power of Remote Work Today.

If you’re looking to hire a social media virtual assistant, it is important to do your research to find a remote professional with experience in social media management and a proven track record of success.

Fortunately, Anequim does all of that research for you, and they make the entire process seamless, from searching for top talent to making the final hire.

Are you ready to embrace Gen Z and unlock their full potential? Contact us today to hire your new innovative team; let’s build a workplace where both our businesses and our employees flourish.

How To Develop Your Remote Team

Developing Your Remote Team So They Don´t Need You

How do you develop your remote team? It’s no secret that part of a successful business owner’s job is to nurture a strong and successful team so they don’t need them; this way, they can focus on moving the company forward. 

However, this is easier said than done since it can be hard for entrepreneurs and leaders not to be involved in every aspect of their business and even want to micro-manage every little thing. In the long run, this ends up being time-consuming and an inconvenience.. 

In this Bootstrappers episode, Jeremy and Gwenn discuss the roadmap to scale your team so they do not need you for their everyday operations. 


Gwenn and Jeremy Story with Team Development

On a recent trip to Africa, Gwenn prepared herself for a heavy workload and constant calls from her team back home, but to her surprise, she realized that her team was thriving without her continuous guidance; they all knew what they needed to do and were prepared to handle any challenges that came their way.

Jeremy’s profession was, for years, all about managing, scaling, and growing teams. Beginning his career in various locations, such as Arizona, Denver, and Chihuahua, he empowers his team members to take charge. 

With meticulous planning and effective delegation, Jeremy confidently took a month-long vacation, knowing that his team could handle the responsibilities without relying on him.

So, how did they accomplish this with their remote team? Is it that different from scaling an in-person team? What does it take to create an independent and driven group of people?

Listen to the full episode.

How To Develop Your Remote Team: Clarity 

Developing a remote team requires a strong foundation built on clear communication and well-defined roles. It’s vital to ensure that every team member understands their specific responsibilities and how they contribute to the overall objectives. 

Clearly outlining the scope of their roles not only eliminates confusion but also fosters a sense of ownership and accountability.

For remote teams, having processes and procedures set is paramount since this will serve as a guideline for what they need to do without having to constantly ask you what is the next step. 


Have a Decision-Making Matrix for Remote Team Development

So, what happens when the clear processes and procedures don’t work? What can you do, as a leader, to ensure that your remote team takes ownership, even in unexpected cases? 

Here is when having a decision-making matrix comes in handy. A decision-making matrix is a systematic approach to making clear and intelligent decisions that consider the impact on other areas of the organization.

By implementing a step-by-step process for making decisions, you can enhance your team’s capabilities to make them and ensure that their choices align with your overall business goals and objectives.

Finally, to develop Your Remote Team, having a decision-making matrix will ensure that your team explores different options and alternatives and analyzes the pros and cons of each option, considering factors such as feasibility, cost, time, and alignment with organizational values and priorities.

How To Develop Your Remote Team: Reward Your team

Recognizing and rewarding your team’s achievements is a powerful tool to develop your team. This is especially important with remote workers who might feel a little bit alienated from their company because this will show that their accountability and ownership in their job position matters. 

So, make it a big deal when your team consistently makes good decisions and drives the company forward without constant supervision.

There are a lot of different ways to celebrate your team’s effort, like a personalized reward, a bonus, including them in an internal newsletter, celebrating in a weekly meeting, and much more! 


Not Your Monkey!

Lastly, it is crucial to establish clear boundaries and take ownership of your own responsibilities! When business owner or leader starts solving other people’s problems and handing them the solutions in an easy way, they teach their team that it is okay to make others do their job. 

People often try to avoid taking responsibility by passing the monkey (A.K.A., their problems) onto others’ shoulders. That’s why it is crucial to set boundaries and recognize when to say, “This is not my responsibility.” 

This doesn’t mean ignoring your remote team; when they come to you for help, try to give proper guidance, but still let them take ownership of their job. For example, try to answer their concerns with another question that can guide them in the proper direction.


Develop Your Remote Team Today

What are you waiting for to build your team? It’s time for you to work on what really matters: your business growth and profitability. 

Contact Anequim today to start growing your remote workforce, and stay tuned to listen to our weekly Bootstrappers podcast for entrepreneurs to get more amazing tips to grow your business. 

Download our FREE “Score Your Team On The Leadership Matrix” PFD, and start scaling your team today!

What Motivates Gen Z: How to Boost The New Workforce

What Motivates Gen Z? 

What motivates Gen Z in today’s workforce? How do you ensure your company grows with the new generation of young people looking for new opportunities? 

It is on us, leaders, to understand them, and motivate them, so we can get the results we want from them as business leaders.

In this Bootstrappers episode, Jeremy and Gwenn explore what is the perfect strategy to motivate Gen Z.

Motivates Gen Z

What is a Gen Z?

Gen Z is the name given to the younger generation that is now incorporated into the workforce. While there is still a lot of debate on what demographic fits this generation, we understand Gen Z as the group of people who were born between 1997 and 2000.  

These dates, however, are just a general standard, but they can change; Gwenn recalls working with 30-year-olds with a Gen Z mindset. So, in this article, we are referring to a way of behaving, thinking, and acting that is related to the younger generation rather than a demographic born on a specific date.  

Listen to the full episode.

Gwenn’s Personal Failures with Gen Z

After hiring a lot of Gen Z and failing at it, Gwenn understood that she was provided what she thought they wanted, but not what they really needed. 

When the productivity and results decreased with the new Gen Z employees, Gwenn knew she needed to make a bigger effort into trying to understand them. 

Gen Z has different expectations and motivations compared to their millennial counterparts. While millennials value freedom, Gen Z appreciates money over other things. 


What Motivates Gen Z: Money

It’s no secret that Gen Z faces significant financial challenges, with the burden of debt and the rising cost of college education.

Consequently, their desire for financial stability and a steady income is a top priority. Understanding this key aspect can be instrumental in motivating and engaging Gen Z employees.

While millennials often prioritize freedom and work-life balance, Gen Z places a higher value on financial security. This distinction between the two generations is essential to recognize when developing strategies to motivate and retain Gen Z talent.

By acknowledging their financial concerns and addressing them proactively, leaders can foster an environment that aligns with their expectations.

While Gen Z appreciates money, they often have other expectations about the job market and what they can achieve, so once they have the expectation right, they can work better.

What Motivates Gen Z: Authenticity

Gen Z has grown up in a world where they feel let down by the system and authority, which can be pretty hard to deal with.

They are skeptical of authority and can easily detect inauthenticity. To build trust and attract their loyalty, it is essential to foster a company culture that values transparency, empathy, and genuine care for their well-being.

For Generation Z, their work company is more than just a source of income, but an entity that aligns with their values, so it makes sense that they want to work in a space where their ideas aren’t diminished and minimized. 

Motivates Gen Z

Flexibility Comes With Boundaries 

While Gen Z appreciates flexibility in the workplace, it’s crucial to establish clear boundaries that set a balance between work and life. Help them understand the limits of what is possible within your company’s framework. 

Letr says they need to go to a doctor’s appointment; that would be totally fine, but what would you think about then taking some time off just to see their favorite show?

Most of these people are just entering the workforce and still need to learn what is acceptable when it comes to a corporate job.

By setting realistic expectations, you can avoid misunderstandings and create an environment where both parties thrive.

What Motivates Gen Z: Transparency and Recognition

Gen Z craves transparency and wants to see how their work contributes to the overall success of the company; they want to feel important and like a key component in the organization.

Regularly communicate their impact and share results, as this will motivate them to go the extra mile. Recognize their innovative ideas and show them that their contributions matter. When they feel appreciated, they become more invested in the growth of the business.

Embracing the Gen Z Workforce

To thrive in the ever-evolving business landscape, it is crucial to adapt to the needs of the Gen Z workforce and let them improve your organization with the unique skills they bring to the business.

By understanding their motivations, demonstrating authenticity, providing flexibility within boundaries, aligning goals, and offering transparency and recognition, we can create a work environment that inspires and motivates Gen Z employees.

Are you ready to embrace Gen Z and unlock their full potential? Contact us today to hire your new innovative team; let’s build a workplace where both our businesses and our employees flourish.