Anequim Library


At Anequim be believe the combo knowledge-technology is one of the key factors that can improve any business. We strongly believe in sharing knowledge and our experience in the industry sets the bar higher for our competitors, we create content, we are original, we are cutting edge and tech-savvy.

Our blog network brings together news, opinion, and perspectives from our staff, our journal editors, and many guest bloggers. Our Ebooks aim to share knowledge and experience in many areas of management, property management, and more.

Our Bootstrappers podcast is unique in its approach to common business challenges and our guest speakers share the latest industry trends and tips you can use to boost your business productivity.

We hope you find our collection useful.

Woman reading e-book from a tablet.
Computer displaying Anequim's Blog Posts


Articles, News and More!

Person reading an e-book from a tablet.

Free E-Books

Great free information crafted to help you improve your business performance

Jeremy and Gwenn Aspen from Anequim in "Property Management Boostrappers Podcast"

Bootstrappers Podcast for Entrepreneurs

Helping Entrepreneurs Scale Their Business With Remote Teams