We have all heard of professional coaching but what exactly is it and how could it exactly help a busy business executive? In this episode we explore the value coaching can bring entrepreneurs who want to elevate their leadership game. We discuss what happens in coaching, how you find a qualified coach and how coaching could impact your business and your life. It is all on this episode of Bootstrappers!




  • 3:26 Should you hire an executive coach?
  • 7:20 How did Sarah start as a professional executive coach?
  • 10:20 Allowing people to be who they are living with tolerance
  • 12:01 Being vulnerable
  • 13:00 Are you ordinary people?
  • 14:20 The Entrepreneurial Spirit
  • 16:20 The lonely path of the Entrepreneur
  • 17:40 The rough edges of the 13%
  • 18:05 The 1% of super-high achievers
  • 19:00 40% of our actions are based on our choices
  • 14:40 Mindfulness
  • 26:00 Live in the now
  • 27:30 Accountability coach or a Connector?
  • 33:00 The professional coaching method
  • 34:00 How to match and choose your coach?
  • 37:00 The effect of consciousness
  • 38:10 Intend on what we focus on
  • 39:25 The gift of coaching and strategic thinking
  • 42:40 The significant issues of top entrepreneurs
  • 43:50 Leadership coaching and social, emotional intelligence
  • 45:40 How to calculate success?
  • 46:03 Recommendations for new coaches
  • 50:00 Emotional intelligence
  • 52:26 Leadership skills and the comfort zone
  • 53:30 The book of joy


The Book of Joy: Lasting Happiness in a Changing World


How to participate in the Book Giveaway – Bootstrappers Guest Choice:

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Coming from a background as a Licensed Professional Counselor; Sarah Fruehling is leveraging 20+ years of experience as an entrepreneurial private practice therapist with her expert knowledge in relationship dynamics, healthy communication and emotional intelligence to establish a niche in the coaching world. Sarah is the founder of Fruehling Coaching and Facilitation. She currently has a team of 7 international associates who provide world-class coaching and facilitation to their clients. She is a professional certified coach by the International Coaching Federation and a board certified coach. Fruehling has a masters degree from Southern Illinois University and is a Nebraska native, currently living in Omaha with her husband and son.

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