How to Delegate Better

How to Delegate Better

Anequim Gwenn Aspen By Gwenn Aspen

“Delegate and Elevate” We know! We know! We’ve heard it a million times. But still, there are tasks we refuse to give up to anyone else even though they are not the best use of our time, or energy. 

What if there were a super simple method that finally moved the needle from the common excuses?

  • It’s easier if I just do it myself
  • I don’t trust anyone on the team to do it as well as I would
  • I don’t want to lose money, or get embarrassed. I don’t want to deal with it going poorly.

What if finally we were spending our time on plans and tasks that made our companies more competitive, aggressive, or profitable instead of protecting our downside? It’s possible with effective delegation if we can just get ourselves to do it.

Redefining leadership: kathleen mayfield on delegation and growth

Mastering Delegation with Kathleen Mayfield

Kathleen Mayfield from Bloom Growth is an expert on delegation, and she shared her simple yet effective insights on how to delegate and empower teams so leaders can really spend time on growth initiatives, and elevate out of the day to day.  

What is Kathleen’s simple method? The Apprenticeship Square. 

Redefining leadership: kathleen mayfield on delegation and growth

Before you roll your eyes and say this is way too simple. There is no way this will work. Consider that much of the time we don’t go all in on tools like this. We’re never truly committed. Being an entrepreneur myself, I hate feeling restricted, I am rebellious by nature and I like these tools in theory but historically had a hard time sticking to them.I would tell myself, “I’m doing it in spirit.” But I have found that when I go 100% in on a proven methodology deliberately with discipline I do end up getting the results promised. However, anything short of that doesn’t work.

It is my experience that the more leaders stick to the script of proven processes the more disciplined and organized and better organizations run. If you are serious about elevating and delegating try the apprenticeship square.

What is the Apprenticeship Square?

Kathleen has developed a tool called the Apprenticeship Square, which is a step-by-step approach to teaching tasks:

  1. Show Them How: Begin by demonstrating the task to your team member.
  1. Do It Together: Work on the task together, allowing them to ask questions and learn.
  1. Observe and Feedback: Let them perform the task while you observe and provide feedback.
  1. Independent Execution: Finally, they do the task on their own, reporting back to you as needed.

This methodical and intentional approach creates spaces for people to succeed or learn from their mistakes, making the business operator more comfortable with delegation.

Implementing the Method Successfully

Kathleen stresses the importance of consistency. Using the Apprenticeship Square consistently ensures clarity and minimizes errors, fostering a culture of effective delegation within your organization.

Communication: The Key to Success

Kathleen is very clear that she actually takes the square out for every task she is intending to delegate. She is very methodical about it. The person she is teaching is very clear on which part of the square they are in. 

This is where entrepreneurs struggle. We don’t like to be methodical.  We take the idea of this to heart but we don’t actually do it with the discipline of getting the square out. We do it “our way,” we take the approach “in spirit.” However, when we don’t do it in a deliberate disciplined manner we lack clarity and mistakes are made. Then we go back to the old way of doing things and claim that approach doesn’t work. The trick is to actually use the square visual. Talk through this as a methodical approach, make sure you and the person you are delegating the work to are clear on which step you are on and clear when the official hand off has been to the next step.

Kathleen also discusses how she communicates in the process so that her delegation technique doesn’t come across as micromanaging: “I just started to teach them how to be in communication. How I like to receive and give communication, I told them that me asking a lot of questions didn’t mean I was micromanaging them, and so on.” She believes that clear and open communication is essential to prevent misunderstandings and build trust.

Redefining leadership: kathleen mayfield on delegation and growth

Embracing Generosity and Trust

The key to really handing big responsibilities to others is to be generous and build trust. When there is a problem Kathleen says not to assume the worst right off the bat. She believes that generosity and trust are key to effective leadership and delegation. Leaders should demonstrate authenticity and encourage their teams to do the same.

Delegation in Rapid Growth Scenarios

When a business is scaling quickly, going through the Apprenticeship Square can create freedom and distribute the weight among the team. This approach allows the business to grow exponentially and helps entrepreneurs elevate themselves out of day-to-day operations to focus on new opportunities.

Kathleen emphasizes the importance of creating leaders within the team. By giving team members a sense of ownership, communication between owners and entrepreneurs improves, enabling them to focus on growth and innovation.

Redefining leadership: kathleen mayfield on delegation and growth

About Our Guest: Kathy Mayfield

Kathy Mayfield, with over 25 years of leadership experience, is a seasoned chief operating officer and second-in-command. Passionate about helping others achieve their best, she empowers teams to surpass expectations in productivity, revenue, and employee satisfaction. Currently, she serves as the president of Winter International LLC, operating as Bloom Growth, where she harmonizes departmental synergy, removes obstacles, and fosters a culture of accountability through servant leadership.

Contact Anequim

Are you looking to start an effective and proficient remote workforce?

We are here to help you! A team of professionals will find the perfect remote candidate or the perfect boss for you! We provide all the coaching and mentoring for ultimate efficiency.

Quality Assurance Plan: The Key to Scaling Your Business

Quality Assurance Plan and Customer Service

The journey to scale and grow a business is both thrilling and challenging. As companies strive to expand their reach and impact, a well-crafted Quality Assurance Plan emerges in the pursuit of sustainable and successful scalability.

Whether you’re a startup aiming for rapid expansion or an established enterprise, understanding and implementing an effective Quality Assurance Plan is not just a choice; it’s the strategic key.

In this episode of the Bootstrappers podcast, Jeremy and Gwenn Aspen go through their experience implementing a Quality Assurance Plan and how it molded their business into a success.


Understanding Quality Assurance: Elevating Customer Service Excellence

Quality assurance plan extends beyond bug detection; it is a comprehensive strategy that plays a pivotal role in ensuring the highest standard of product or service delivery.

Having a dedicated quality assurance team formed by a group of professionals committed to excellence at every stage of your business operations sets a defining point on your scaling journey. 

The Role of the Quality Assurance Team

A well-structured quality assurance team serves as the keepers of quality within your organization. This team is responsible for designing, implementing, and monitoring the processes that underpin product or service quality.

By meticulously reviewing and testing each element, they act as a proactive force, preventing potential issues before they reach your customers.

Quality Customer Service as a Pillar of QA

A quality assurance plan is not just about the product or procedure, it’s about the overall customer experience. 

A business that prioritizes quality customer service stands out in a crowded marketplace and receives the best marketing “publicity”: their customers’ recommendations.

Addressing customer queries, concerns, and feedback with precision becomes a trademark of a company dedicated to excellence.

Proactive Issue Resolution

The intersection of a vigilant quality assurance team and a commitment to quality customer service creates a dynamic environment for proactive issue resolution.

Sometimes, established company policies or solutions won’t apply to all customer profiles.  Identifying potential challenges before they impact customers allows for swift corrective actions, reinforcing customer trust and loyalty.

In essence, understanding quality assurance in the context of a quality assurance team and its integration into quality customer service is a powerful strategy for businesses looking to scale. 

By prioritizing the delivery of top-notch products and services and consistently exceeding customer expectations, your business sets the stage for growth and sustained success.


Measuring Customer Satisfaction: A Comprehensive Approach for Excellence

To secure your business’s growth and scalability, ensuring customer satisfaction becomes a foundation for sustained success. 

Quality customer service lays the groundwork for exceeding customer expectations. We’ll explore the various metrics that play a crucial role in measuring customer satisfaction.

Quality Customer Service Metrics

Quality Customer Service is more than just a catchphrase; it’s a commitment to delivering exceptional experiences at every touchpoint. Some common phrases can come out as “unsincere” as multiple businesses tend to use them interchangeably.

Metrics such as response time, issue resolution time, and customer feedback ratings are integral to gauging the effectiveness of your customer service efforts. 

These metrics provide actionable insights for continuous improvement.

Customer Service Quality Assurance and Monitoring Metrics

Implementing a robust quality assurance plan involves monitoring key metrics systematically to ensure consistency and excellence in customer service delivery. 

Call monitoring, in particular, allows organizations to evaluate communication, problem-solving skills, and adherence to established protocols being effective.

Regularly tracking and analyzing these metrics empower businesses to identify areas of improvement and refine their customer service strategies.

Also, listening through these calls gives you a better understanding of the customer experience, as you can discover their satisfaction based on their interaction.

The Role of NPS Scores

Historically, Net Promoter Score (NPS) has been a widely used metric to measure customer satisfaction. However, it’s essential to recognize its limitations. 

As Net Promoter Scores are based on a single question, they often provide a simplified but inaccurate picture of customer satisfaction. 

Usually, they tend to go unnoticed as customer are so used to them that they don’t seem interested in filling them at the end of their service. 


Why NPS Scores Fall Short

  • Limited Insight: NPS scores provide a numeric value but not detailed insights into the factors influencing the score.
  • Inability to Pinpoint Issues: Relying solely on NPS may result in challenges when pinpointing specific aspects that require attention.
  • Contextual Limitations: NPS may not capture the nuances of different customer segments or specific interactions, potentially leading to a skewed representation of overall satisfaction.

In conclusion, while NPS scores can offer a broad overview, businesses aiming for comprehensive customer satisfaction measurement should adopt a multi-faceted approach. 

Incorporating various quality customer service metrics, actively engaging in customer service quality assurance, and leveraging monitoring tools such as call monitoring contribute to a holistic understanding of customer satisfaction.

Implementing a Quality Assurance Plan: Building a Foundation for Excellence

Now you might be wondering, how do I start implementing a quality assurance plan inside my company? For this, you have to ensure that quality is not just a goal but a consistent standard across all facets of your operations.

Designing a Comprehensive Quality Assurance Plan

The first step in implementing an effective quality assurance plan is the meticulous design of a plan tailored to your business’s unique needs. 

This plan should outline the key processes, methodologies, and checkpoints that will be employed to maintain and enhance the quality of your products or services. 

It is the blueprint guiding your quality assurance team in their journey to uphold excellence.

Defining the Role of the Quality Assurance Team

A successful quality assurance plan relies on the expertise and dedication of your quality assurance team. 

Comprising individuals with an alert eye for detail and a commitment to quality, this team plays a central role in executing the plan. 

Their responsibilities encompass identifying and rectifying issues while proactively preventing them through rigorous testing, analysis, and adherence to quality standards.


Integration into the Development Lifecycle

To maximize the impact of your quality assurance plan, seamless integration into the development lifecycle is paramount. 

Taking action involves collaboration between the quality assurance team and other departments, ensuring that quality checks are not isolated events but woven into every stage of product or service creation. 

By doing so, potential issues will be identified at an early stage, reducing the likelihood of costly errors downstream.

Continuous Improvement and Adaptation

A dynamic quality assurance plan evolves with the ever-changing business landscape. Encourage your team to embrace a culture of continuous improvement.

Regularly assess and refine your quality assurance processes based on feedback, emerging industry standards, and technological advancements. 

This adaptability ensures that your quality assurance plan remains adequate and relevant as your business scales.

Training and Skill Development

Equip your team with the skills and knowledge necessary to navigate the complexities of quality control. 

Ongoing training programs, workshops, and exposure to evolving quality assurance methodologies contribute to a team ensuring product or service excellence.

Sometimes amateur employees tend to work on instinct, but when it comes to customer service we can’t use the “I’m going to treat you the same way as you are treating me” rule. 

That is the main reason why you need regular re-training and development of your employees because what works today might not work in the future. 

In conclusion, implementing a quality assurance plan is not a one-time task; it’s an ongoing commitment to excellence. 


Challenges and Solutions in Implementing a Quality Assurance Plan

Implementing a quality assurance plan comes with challenges.  You can overcome them with proactive strategies and a dedicated approach.

Lack of Alignment Across Teams

  • Challenge: Ensuring alignment between different teams can be challenging, leading to communication gaps and misunderstandings.
  • Solution: Establish clear communication channels and foster a culture of collaboration. Regular meetings, cross-departmental training sessions, and the use of collaborative tools can facilitate alignment.

Scalability Issues

  • Challenge: As businesses grow, scaling quality assurance processes to accommodate increased demand can be daunting.

    Maintaining the same level of quality across a larger customer base poses unique challenges.
  • Solution: Implement scalable quality assurance processes that can adapt to the changing needs of the business.

    Automation, crowd-testing, and prioritizing critical testing areas can help maintain quality standards while accommodating growth.

Measuring Customer Satisfaction Effectively

  • Challenge: While monitoring metrics are essential for assessing the effectiveness of a quality assurance plan, accurately measuring customer satisfaction can be complex.
  • Solution: Employ a multi-faceted approach to measuring customer satisfaction. In addition to traditional metrics like Net Promoter Score (NPS), utilize customer feedback calls or text messages, social media monitoring, and sentiment analysis tools.

Adapting to Technological Advancements

  • Challenge: Rapid technological advancements require constant adaptation and upskilling of the Quality Assurance Team to stay ahead of emerging trends and tools.
  • Solution: Invest in continuous training and professional development programs for the team. Encourage experimentation with new tools and methodologies.

    Foster a learning culture to ensure the team remains agile and equipped to leverage the latest technologies.

In today’s competitive landscape, delivering exceptional products and services is paramount to business success. 

A well-executed quality assurance plan, supported by a commitment to quality customer service and customer service quality assurance, serves as the starting point of success.

By monitoring metrics and addressing challenges head-on, businesses can build a quality culture that exceeds customer expectations.

As we’ve explored, a holistic approach to quality assurance involves collaboration, continuous improvement, and a customer-centric mindset. 

By integrating quality assurance into every aspect of the business, from development to customer service, organizations can ensure that quality remains at the forefront of their growth strategy.

Contact Anequim

Are you looking to start an effective and proficient remote workforce?

We are here to help you! A team of professionals will find the perfect remote candidate or the perfect boss for you! We provide all the coaching and mentoring for ultimate efficiency.

Customer Service Virtual Assistant: The Future Of Business Success

Virtual Assistants Are The Future Of Customer Service

Do you need a customer service virtual assistant? Customer service is getting a high-tech makeover. As technology continues to improve, virtual employees are fully capable of providing businesses and customers with the personalized service they demand. Virtual assistants are quickly revolutionizing the way we experience and interact with retail brands from the comfort of our own homes.

Customer service virtual assistants can deliver fast and accurate assistance for customer service just as, if not better, than domestic personnel. We may not be ready for robots completely take over customer service just yet – but virtual assistant technology is definitely changing things up!

Customer Service Virtual Assistant

Customer Service Virtual Assistant For True Customer Satisfaction

As any business owner knows, keeping customers satisfied is the true ticket to success. Investment in customer service can sometimes feel cumbersome and overwhelming to manage, but virtual assistants are here to help you reach your goals faster than you ever thought possible.

You will be surprised how much further you can get with the same budget when you hire a virtual assistant, they will be helping out on the front lines. Instead of simply talking about wowing prospects and retaining clients as all the business books tell us to do, virtual assistants can make it a reality.

Customer Satisfaction test

Customer Service Virtual Assistant Deliver The Best Service

Virtual assistants can be your virtual customer service dream team. Gone are the days of the dreaded phone tree for phone calls or just having one employee struggle to solve all your customers’ issues about multiple products and services. With virtual assistants, you can have multiple customer service professionals ready to jump on an issue at any given moment and make sure they’re actually solved while getting your customers what they need in a timely manner.

With virtual assistants, you can deliver good customer service that goes far beyond just answering phone calls because now you have full-time professionals to help get your top customers’ gifts easily and have enough resources to proactively check on them. Every interaction will then be followed up with a helpful and branded email courtesy of virtual assistants to make sure that attitude towards your business goes from lukewarm to super fan level.

When you hire virtual employees to help, the quality of service will be so good that your customers’ friends will start singing praises about how amazing you are!

Upgrade Your Service With a Customer Service Virtual Assistant

If you’re stuck in the stone age of customer service, it might be time for an upgrade. Investing in better customer service isn’t just a nice-to-have, it’s a need-to-have for your business to stay competitive and gain loyal customers. Building customer relationships takes work but ultimately your business will benefit because happy customers are more likely to come back and spread the word about your services.

Virtual assistants are how you modernize your customer support. Building your team of remote professionals ensures your customers receive the kind of attention and experience that makes them loyal and engaged clients. It’s clear why remote professionals are increasingly being called on for customer service solutions in the modern world.

The Right Phone System Is a Versatile Tool For Your Remote Team

Want to take remote customer service to the next level? Then you need to equip yourself with a phone system that offers thorough analysis of how remote professionals are performing and how customers are responding. After all, understanding the wait times, average call duration, and call volume per hour can help you accurately staff up on remote feature handling pros.

With this insight, you can then provide feedback for further improving production quality. From the quality of administrative tasks to the challenges of time zones and everything in between, Remote professionals will excel when given the right tools. Forget about settling for “good enough” – make sure your virtual customer service is actually great with insightful reports.

Keyboard showing an emoji with a virtual assistant customer service headset

Don’t Skimp On The Phone System

Also, you will need a system that records calls or allows you to monitor while the calls are active so you can give feedback and coach the agents. A high-quality phone system like 8×8, RingCentral or NDT is imperative to an impressive customer service experience.

Anyone wanting to take remote customer service up a notch needs to arm themselves with a phone system that lets them go deeper into remote professional performance and customer response. Accurately staffing remote teams requires insight on wait times, average call duration, and call volume per hour – and these stats help you deliver high-quality customer service. 

Don’t settle for “good enough” – use an analytical phone system to ensure remote customer service is GREAT.

Create a Playbook for Your Customer Service Virtual Assistant

When it comes to remote professionals providing customer service, you want to make sure the questions that come in are not just answered correctly, but also with a pleasant tone. 

When your virtual assistants are answering the phone, make sure your remote workers start by saying “Thank you for calling [company name], this is [name], how can I help you?” After they answer any questions, be sure they end with a friendly phrase such as “Is there anything else I can do for you today?”

To ensure remote professionals always get it right and maintain positive customer relations, develop a FAQ document covering hours of operation and other basics regarding how your business operates. This way remote professionals have an accessible resource of accurate information to reference when responding to customer inquiries.

A Formula For Successful Customer Service

For remote professionals who specialize in customer service, having a “playbook” is essential. This playbook should contain all the soft skills necessary for interacting with customers, as well as some language pro tips. For example, it’s important to stay consistent when using terms to refer to apartment living spaces; make sure remote professionals know whether they should be calling them “residents” or “tenants,” and that they’re referring to an apartment rather than a home.

Keeping these things straight in the playbook helps remote professionals stay on brand and serve customers effectively. Developing a playbook for each of your company’s departments is what will make your business efficient, and profitable, and maintain your quality standards. If you don’t have time to write up your playbook don’t worry, this is something remote professionals can help you with too!

Customer Service Virtual Assistant Processes And Procedures

Now that your remote professional has their playbook in place, it’s time to put together the how-tos of all the things they need to do, which is where procedures and processes come in. Instead of telling them what to do, these documents give instructions on exactly how to go about getting those tasks done.

Systematize the ‘checklist’ for functionally answering calls on the phone, pulling up customer information, writing notes about the interactions, or invoicing — remote professionals can rest assured knowing there are step-by-step instructions for our customer service team out there making sure every customer receives amazing service with a smile.

Key Performance Indicators = Accountability

How many calls is an agent expected to take? What are the expectations on how many rings they pick a call up on? What is the average call time you would expect? How many calls can they miss and still be a successful customer service agent? Setting expectations is key to making sure that the customer service your customers receive is incredible. 

But you have to be able to communicate and measure what success looks like. Measuring output on a regular basis lets agents know that performance matters and that you are serious about your goals and have high expectations.

Quality Control You Can Repeat and Predict

Having the game plan in place is great, but remote professionals need to know how to apply it. That’s where procedures and processes come in! These handy documents allow remote pros to keep running like a well-oiled machine. No more confusion about how to field calls, locate customer info, make notes on interactions, or send out invoices — these guides give employees precise directions for every task required. 

Our remote professionals now have the clarity they need to thrive and will make our customers smile with the awesome care they provide.

Keep Your Remote Team Engaged

Being a remote customer service professional can mean isolation from other team members and their supervisors. That is why it is crucial for managers to keep their remote agents excited, engaged and performing at a high level. Doing weekly meetings or offering spiffs (bonuses) for great customer service or online reviews are just some of the ways to do this.

Managers are also encouraged to come up with silly games during the day that will break up the monotony and spark engagement in the team. Lastly, make sure remote employees get recognition for their hard work – feeling like they’re part of something bigger and that their work matters will keep them motivated!

Virtual Assistant being engaged with her Remote Team

Allow The Opportunity For Advancement

Customer service is a hard job especially if it is a high-pressure, high-stress environment where it is one call after the other. If you want to prevent turnover and you are doing all the things mentioned above the next step is to show the agents that there is truly a way to move up in the organization. 

If you can create a path that you can show them where if you execute your job in a specific way and meet these metrics you can move on to other positions and get promoted that can keep high-quality people on the phones mesmerizing your clients with their expertise and service mindset.

Show employees at your organization examples of people who moved up from the call center to positions in management, operations, or other departments in your company. Being a part of something bigger, something fulfilling in new and challenging ways, is how you will inspire your entire team.

Let Anequim Make It Easy For You

If successfully managing remote teams isn’t your cup of tea, you’re in luck! Anequim is here to help you every step of the way. Whether you want to empower and recruit remote professionals for your customer service team, or just manage the entire process yourself – that’s all possible with us. 

We have a vast range of experience across various types of customer service and call centers, so feel free to rely on the experts! Let us join forces with you to turn your customer service vision into reality.

How Do I Find My Customer Service Virtual Assistant?

Creating the perfect customer experience at your company means being prepared for any situation. It’s not just about responding to customers promptly and professionally, but also making sure that they are left feeling truly heard and taken care of. With remote professional teams made possible through virtual assistants, you can know with confidence that every customer will soon be talking about how amazing their service was!

Providing top-notch customer service is definitely possible today – it’s just a question of aiming for the ideal experience every time and making sure everything runs as smoothly as possible for remote professionals.

Keeping track of your goals is essential to monitor the progress of your business. Save some time and use our FREE milestone assessment format to keep your objectives going