Entrepreneurs, also known as visionaries, often struggle with staying focused on one single business plan or opportunity. When they allow themselves to be derailed they inadvertently prevent themselves from being successful.

On this episode we will talk through this perennial entrepreneurial problem of sticking with a business idea that has brought some level of success and talk through ways to build your team and your strategy so it supports instead of derails your success.

Kyle Danner, Professional EOS Implementer®, joins us to discuss how business owners can get out of the day to day, build a focused plan that can succeed, execute what needs to be accomplished and not get distracted with projects, or opportunities that take away from the core business. 

If you struggle with shiny object syndrome this is the episode for you.




Kyle began his entrepreneurial career in his family’s printing company, where he became an owner, and helped the firm grow from $2million to $18+million in revenue. He then made the difficult decision to leave it all behind. His passion for helping people led to a degree in counseling, and his love for family business inspired him to help families grow, transition, or exit their business.

Since then, he has expanded his focus beyond family business to working with organizations of all sizes and stages of growth. Along the way, he discovered that business owners and their leadership teams need a simple, practical way to run their companies. That’s why he became a Professional EOS Implementer®. EOS®, the Entrepreneurial Operating System®, provides a structure and process to help business owners and their leadership teams clarify, simplify, and achieve their vision for the business.


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