There are moments in every entrepreneur’s life when the business is not making the money it should, when things feel stagnant or the team doesn’t seem to be operating at optimal levels. Is this a time to get an EOS Implementer®? In this episode of Bootstrappers we speak with EOS Worldwide CEO and Visionary Mark O’Donnell about when an EOS Implementer® can help you get back on track with your business.



Mark is the host of The EOS life podcast, and Visionary at EOS global. Before becoming a Visionary at EOS Worldwide and an Entrepreneurial Operating System® (EOS) Implementer®, Mark was a busy (and frustrated) entrepreneur running a business that lacked the systems and processes needed to generate the freedom he desired.

The business was growing, but he felt like they’d hit the ceiling, and he was on the endless roller-coaster of emotions (frustration, uncertainty) you experience when building and growing a business.

Like other entrepreneurs, he was stuck in this loop of “entrepreneurial ambition.” he wanted more and more from his team and business, but he also wanted freedom.

Ironically, he first glimpsed the possibility of freedom during a chance meeting with an EOS Implementer®.



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